Your Friendly Tie Dye Experts

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Magic Starfish

Australian Made Tie Dye kits

Tie Dyeing is a fun activity and perfect for all ages and skill levels.

Magic Starfish specialise in producing Australian Made Tie Dye workshop kits for Vacation Care, Disability groups, Schools, Camps, and Clubs.

Thousands of children and adults have succesfully created their own unique Tie Dye using our kits.

We are excited to share our expertise with you.


Award Winners

We are very proud to be Hunter Region Business Excellence Awards winners for Arts and Crafts Businesses for 2015

Kimberlie Clare-Campbell


Tie Dye Expert

I love rainbows!

Having grown up in a family of artists I have a deep appreciation of art, craft and colour.  As a Textile Artist I have experienced how terrified children and adults can feel about expressing their creativity, the fear of not being able to draw or paint is ingrained in many people.  Tie Dyeing is the perfect medium to shift you from feeling of fear to excitement surrounding art and creativity.


There are no mistakes in Tie dyeing,
only happy accidents.


I feel though Tie Dyeing you can discover your creativity in a fun, relaxing, non-threatening medium. Through Tie Dyeing you'll disover an appreciation of colour, and reveal a new avenue for self expression.

Jacqueline Nash-Brummel


Tie Dye Expert

I loved doing a range of arts and crafts as a child; including sewing, spinning and weaving.  As an holistic therapist and artist I know the importance of bringing art into everyday life. The theraputic effect of art is now well known and scientifically proven and it's wonderful to be able to share my passion for creativity and therapy together. I have watched my own children's confidence and abilities grow as they try new and different techniques; and I have seen the healing power that the experience of creativity can bring to your soul.


I love to see the great joy that doing art in a group brings to the participants while expanding their skills in a fun environment.


Colors speak all languages.

(Joseph Addison)

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