Dyed with
Magic Starfish
6 Colour Tie Dye
Workshop kit
Tie Dye workshop

Dyed with
Magic Starfish
6 Colour Tie Dye
Workshop kit
Bright Beautiful Tie Dye t-shirts

Dyed with
Magic Starfish
6 Colour Rainbow Tie Dye 
Workshop kit
Boys Tie Dyeing

Learning to
Create different
Tie Dye
You can tie a spiral t-shirt

You can dye
a Tie Dye
Rainbow Spiral

Double the FUN
try tying a
double spiral
Have you tried ice dyeing, its fun on a hot day!

Have you tried
Ice Dyeing?
It's great on
a summers day!
Kids love Tie dye

Kids love
Tie Dye
they made themselves.
Tie Dyeing, its not just about making rainbows

outside the
Tie Dyeing, it's about creativity

Get creative and
let your imagination
run free
Try a new pattern.

Get creative and
let your imagination
run free
Tie Dye Mandala

You can
Tie Dye
a mandala
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